Tuesday, February 21, 2012


omg i want to fucking kill someone right now and then cry myself to sleep and then never wake up again i can't take this fuckin stress!!!!!!!!!!!!!! holy shit fucking every guy out there is a fucking asshole they're all fucking dicks and need to fucking DIE !@#$%^&*() i regret everything i did with you holy shit. you were nothing but a fucking mistake you fucking asshole go FUCKIN DIE BITCH.................... ASDFGHJKL ugh i seriously just want to cry but i'm not going to fucking waste my FUCKING TEARS ON U cus you're not fucking worth it. but yet again i'm fucking raging and ranting about you so i guess you are worth it. wtf am i saying omg i'm pissing myself off now holy shittttttttttttttt i hope noone ever sees this lol omg and i seriously think i have bipolar disorder...... not like any girl on her . or some shit like that. like literally....... i think i'm a bipolar patient. like i should go to a mother fucking shrink but then again why would i do that -_- i want to drink and drink and drink and drink and drink and pass out and never wake up seriously i hate life i want to do some serious damage to you fucking dickhead sonnuva bitchhhhhhh cock sucker 이런개시끼같은놈아 ㅅㅂ내가너한태얼마나잘해좃는되..너땜애이런내가미친거지ㅅㅂ니가다나한태한말이다거짓이였어...?깝치지마이개같은놈아여자한태이개뭐니?네가이래도남자니?정신차리고인생이나재대로사라이ㅄ새끼이야. ㅅㅂ잘먹구잘살아라이븅신아


Decided to do this again. Let's see how much has changed in 3 months...


Had Beer  
Smoked an entire cigarette
Done drugs.
Write on a bathroom wall.
Read a George Orwell book. 
Had a physical fight.
Used Twitter.
Listened to Lady Gaga
Been in a car accident. 
Gotten suspended.
Gotten expelled.
Been allergic to something.
Got a computer virus.
Touched a real gun.
Had a dog.
Had a cat.
Been pregnant.
Swam in the ocean.
Camped out
Wore a bikini.
Driven a car
Been sent to the principal. 
Ever liked someone.
Failed a class. 
Failed a test.
Got worse than a D
Went Summer school. 
Got A’s and B’s.
Read an entire book.
Recorded my own music.
Had an xbox.
Worn heels more than 3 days in a row.
Wore fishnets. 
Wore skinny jeans.
Hated someone.
Been cheated on.
Cheated on someone.
Practiced Christianity.
worn makeup
Lied to my parents about where I was going.
Had surgery.
Self harmed.
Worn colored contacts.
Painted my nails black.
Had my heart broken.
Cried for an hour straight.
Lost something very valuable.
Got separated from one of my parents as a kid. 
Broken a bone.
Gotten stung by a bee
Eaten something bad/expired.
Thrown up from being so drunk.
Saw someone throw up from being so drunk.
Danced with someone of the opposite sex.
Owned an ipod.
Owned an iphone.
Fell for a best friend. 
Stole a friend’s significant other.
Went far away from home for more than a week.
Moved out.
Ran away.
Had food poisoning.
Had a job.
Been fired.
Lied to a friend.
Lied to a family member.
Had a Facebook.
Posted a video on Youtube. 
Started a rumor about someone. 
Talked bad about someone.
Dropped out of school.
Deliberately failed a test.
Been skinny dipping.
Counted to a million.
Counted to a thousand.
Ate rabbit meat.
Ate duck meat.
Had fast food.
Been to Church.
Been to Canada.
Been married.
Had a divorce.
Broke a glass.
Hugged someone today.
Texted someone today.
Received a phone call today.
Threw something out of the window
Ignored a text from someone on purpose.
Had my feelings hurt by a friend and never told them.
Wish you were somebody else.
Kissed someone.

Thursday, November 17, 2011



Had Beer  
Smoked an entire cigarette
Done drugs.
Write on a bathroom wall.
Read a George Orwell book. 
Had a physical fight.
Used Twitter.
Listened to Lady Gaga
Been in a car accident. 
Gotten suspended.
Gotten expelled.
Been allergic to something.
Got a computer virus.
Touched a real gun.
Had a dog.
Had a cat.
Been pregnant.
Swam in the ocean.
Camped out
Wore a bikini.
Driven a car
Been sent to the principal. 
Ever liked someone.
Failed a class. 
Failed a test.
Got worse than a D
Went Summer school. 
Got A’s and B’s.
Read an entire book.
Recorded my own music.
Had an xbox.
Worn heels more than 3 days in a row.
Wore fishnets. 
Wore skinny jeans.
Hated someone.
Been cheated on.
Cheated on someone.
Practiced Christianity.
worn makeup
Lied to my parents about where I was going.
Had surgery.
Self harmed.
Worn colored contacts.
Painted my nails black.
Had my heart broken.
Cried for an hour straight.
Lost something very valuable.
Got separated from one of my parents as a kid. 
Broken a bone.
Gotten stung by a bee
Eaten something bad/expired.
Thrown up from being so drunk.
Saw someone throw up from being so drunk.
Danced with someone of the opposite sex.
Owned an ipod.
Owned an iphone.
Fell for a best friend. 
Stole a friend’s significant other.
Went far away from home for more than a week.
Moved out.
Ran away.
Had food poisoning.
Had a job.
Been fired.
Lied to a friend.
Lied to a family member.
Had a Facebook.
Posted a video on Youtube. 
Started a rumor about someone. 
Talked bad about someone.
Dropped out of school.
Deliberately failed a test.
Been skinny dipping.
Counted to a million.
Counted to a thousand.
Ate rabbit meat.
Ate duck meat.
Had fast food.
Been to Church.
Been to Canada.
Been married.
Had a divorce.
Broke a glass.
Hugged someone today.
Texted someone today.
Received a phone call today.
Threw something out of the window
Ignored a text from someone on purpose.
Had my feelings hurt by a friend and never told them.
Wish you were somebody else.
Kissed someone.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Woahhhh It's been so long :( 
Last post on Oct 24th?!

Anyways I'm having a funny ass conversation with philip LOL
I'm dying ohmy

Monday, October 24, 2011


So.... It's been so long):

I'll start blogging again yayay

Saturday, October 8, 2011


i know when someones close to me if i could put up with them.
if you annoy me a great deal amount and get me angry alot of time, but i still love talking to you…
yeah, thats when i know youre my close friend

^Stolen from meesh
wow so true!!!


3rd week 
this is such a good progress:)